
Kafka - Rewind Consumer Offsets

By  | 2019년 3월 30일 | 

Graceful Shutdown Spring Boot Applications

By  | 2019년 3월 14일 | 
IntroductionA lot of developers and architects discuss the application design, traffic load, frameworks, and patterns to apply to code, but very few of them are discussing the shutdown phase.Let’s consider this scenario — there’s an application that has a long blocking process. Along with that, this app needs to be shut down and replaced with a newer version. Wouldn't it be nice if, instead of k


By  | 2019년 3월 7일 | 
이클립스 플러그인도 있다하니 나중에 설치 예정. YANG FOR DUMMIESBy David Barroso Posted August 14, 2017I originally wrote this post as part of the documentation of napalm-yang but then I realized this post could be interesting for the general audience and not exclusively for people willing to try out that project.This post tries to explain some of the general ideas of YANG, why is it interesting, how you can use it


By  | 2019년 3월 5일 | 
발음도 어려운 COALESCE 함수, 그동안 한번도 안써봐서 이런게 있는줄도 몰랐는데... 가만 보니 의외로 유용하다. PostgreSQL COALESCESummary: in this tutorial, you will learn about the PostgreSQL COALESCE function that returns the first non-null argument. You will learn how to apply this function in SELECT statement to handle null values effectively.PostgreSQL COALESCE function syntaxThe syntax of the COALESCE function is as follows:1COALES

maven 으로 생성한 ant 컴파일 타겟에서 warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set 나올때

By  | 2019년 3월 14일 | 
Simply set includeantruntime="false":<javac includeantruntime="false" ...>...</javac>그냥 해당 옵션을 false로 추가만 하면 된다.